No Worries
Know your rights
Work in Australia!

If you are in Australia holding a Student visa you are allowed to work 40 hours per fortnight, a great opportunity to put on practice and improve your job skills.
From 30th May 2019, the minimum wage in Australia was set as $740.80 per week or $19.49 per hourly rate. It must be adhered to by all businesses operating in Australia.
International students in Australia on a valid student visa can work for up to 40 hours per fortnight during study period, and there is no limit on working hours during school holidays.
Family members (spouses and children) accompanying the international student under their student visa have the same work rights as the student – 20 hours per week. Unlike the students, family members may not exceed 20 hours per week, even during holidays.
For those students obtaining a graduate degree, like a masters degree, their family can work unlimited hours. Like students, family members are not allowed to begin work until after the student has started his or her course.
We are here to help
Job Support
At Campus Search we are committed to help our students, in case of interest, we are always offering workshops, events and job finder activities for you, we believe that putting on practice what you learn in this country will be extremely helpful for your professional career.
We have the experience and knowledge needed to help you to set up your resume, apply to the multiple job offers that Australia has for you. Know your working rights here
Subscribe to our newsletter if you want to receive more information.

Time to show your potential
For us is really important that you can have, as part of your educational process, the chance to work in an oriented workplace, an opportunity to put in practice what you have learn during the time of your course, that's why Campus Search holds into its list of Education Providers, Colleges who are currently offering Internships for their students.
For someone who wants to find a job in Australia must count with some local experience, this is crucial for you and for us as well. Click here to find more information about courses with an internship program.